Electric shavers are easy to use, and makes the task of shaving quick, giving you a lot of time to spare. This article will tell you about some of the best electric shavers for men available in the market.
Some people often ask, why does one need to spend more on an electric shaver, when he will get the same results using a cheaper one? The reason being, expensive shavers leave your skin feeling smooth and soft to touch, and they also lasts long without giving you any kind of trouble. The battery of these shavers also lasts for a long time and they do not stop working in the middle of your shave.
The Braun Series 7 – 790cc Pulsonic Shaver
At one shot, more hair is removed, hence you do not have to shave again and again in order to get rid of your facial hair. Since no hair is being pulled or tugged, you have a comfortable shave. This shaver has a flexible head which helps you to shave even the most difficult places like the neck. You also do not get any kind of irritation after using this model.
Remington MS2 – 100 Microscreen Shaver
This electric shaver is made out of the combination of two super flexible screens which are designed to trim as well as shave even the most difficult areas. It cuts the hair at one shot and it works wonderfully for those with sensitive skin.
Norelco 8240 XL Speed Shaving System
Not only is this one of the best quality electric razors, but it is also affordable. This razor is best for close shaving and comfortable to use. The problem with this razor is that unlike the other expensive razors this does not have any cleaning or charging base, so you have to use warm water to clean it.
Braun 8595 Activator Shaver
This shaver has a head which moves in all four directions thus taking care of individual hair growth patterns, easily with just a few strokes. It removes all types of hair from any area of the face. It has a unique Clean and Charge adjust which keeps it in a good condition. It also has the ability to recharge the batteries automatically.
Make sure that you keep your razor clean and do not let others use it.