Ah, the dreaded friend zone. It is a place just about all of us end up at one point or another. In particular, men often end up in the friend zone
8 Ways to Avoid Awkward Silences on a Date
Awkward silences really are the worst part of dating. There will inevitably come a point at which you no longer have anything to say to your date.
5 Online Dating Profile Tips for Men
Online dating is much more challenging for men than women simply because men are “thirstier” than women. If your online dating profile does not stand
The 6 Best Places to Meet Women
Nowadays, it seems as though everyone is staying inside, playing video games, surfing the web and streaming online video services. In short, there
4 Ways to be More Confident Around Women
If you are like most men, you are at least somewhat nervous when meeting new women. After all, women are the sexual gatekeepers and you only have one
The 6 Best Places for a First Date
If you have worked up the gumption to ask a girl out on a first date, kudos to you. However, merely being courageous enough to invite a girl out on a
5 Things Women are Secretly Attracted To
Contrary to popular opinion, women are not solely attracted to wavy hair, dimples, a muscular build and a square jawline. As is often said, beauty is
4 Ways to Tell You are her Starting Pitcher Instead of a Reliever in Her Bullpen
It is no secret women are tough on guys. This imbalance is worsening with each passing day thanks to the rise of social media. Seemingly
Remarkable Tips for Dating a Bullied Girl – This is Great
Bullying is a serious issue today, and a criminal offense in some cases, yet it goes on, and both victim and bully go unnoticed. You find out that you