Need some cute things to say to a girl? Read the following MenWit article for some classic suggestions and examples that you can use in different situations.
So you like her and don’t know what to do about it. Every time you decide to say anything that is remotely cute, all that comes out as a sorry excuse for speech are uncomprehending words that don’t say what you want to convey. But then the deal with having a crush is that you tend to lose out on a lot of that gray matter, start acting like a blithering fool, and tend to make a complete spectacle of yourself on several occasions. How to deal with that then? How to ensure you say what you want to say?
How about a steady supply of some cute things to say to a girl? Won’t that help? Sure it will. So if you simply draw your attention to the following article, you’ll have your answers and you won’t have to beat yourself over it either. Take some clues from these instances and make up your own on the way.
Romantic Things to Say to a Girl
For most girls, romance is the answer. No matter what the question is. It’s been seen that nothing will quite melt her heart like being the recipient of romantic quotes. What would be some of the most romantic things to say to her, you ask? Coming right up.
I sometimes think of you when you’re away and smile away to myself. People think I’m nuts.
You’re everything I wanted, and more.
I’d rather not live than live without your love.
I would like to wake up next to you forever.
I need you so badly.
I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.
I love the way you make me feel.
Do you even realize how much I love you?
I love saying things that make you blush.
I’ve fallen in love so many times and always with you.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
I’ve waited all my life to find someone like you.
God probably made you on a Sunday.
Cute Things to Say Over Text
So sometimes it’s just not possible to say all these sweet things to say to a girl via speech. What is to be done, then? Simple. Use text messages to convey all the cute things that you want to say to her. Go through the examples given below.
Cupcake, pumpkin pie, you’re the sweetest.
The only thing harder than trying to impress you, is looking at you without smiling.
Message: ‘Some text missing’
Sender: ‘Name missing’
Number: ‘Number missing’
Sent: ‘Date missing’
Missing you a lot that’s why everything is missing.
If I had just one kiss, I would save it for you.
There are tulips in my garden there are roses in the park, but nothing is better than our lips meeting in the dark.
I can’t wait to be with you.
I want to hold your hand.
I love to listen to your heartbeat.
Even after all this time, I get butterflies when I see you.
I love cuddling up with you.
Now that you know what some of the cute things to say to her are, you can have some of the best conversations and not be stuck to the dull and drab fumbling speeches. Sounds good?