What does that *wink* mean? Does it mean that she likes you? Or is it just another emoticon she used? Also, she doesn’t just ‘LOL’ for the jokes that you send her, she does that cute ‘hehehe’ or ‘teehee’. Does that mean she’s into you? Well, you’re definitely on her mind mister.
If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything.
~ Marilyn Monroe
That’s right! If she laughs at your silly jokes, playfully tells you, “You’re funny!”, thinks your silly anecdotes are hilarious, you’ve won half the battle my friend. Rest assured that she is into you and thinks you are cute.
So, you can tell that she enjoys your company if you ‘see’ her laughing at your jokes. But what happens when you fail to make out what her reaction is? Does her face light up when you text her? And, in turn, does your phone light up with an immediate reply from her? Yes? Oh boy, she does like you!
For the boys, an extra ‘y’ in heyy will go completely unnoticed, or will be shrugged off as a typo, but when a girl does that, she means more than just to say hey. I know, it is a task to discover the hidden meaning behind every emoticon she sends, or the ellipsis at the end of a sentence. But if she lights up your world and makes you want to sing louder than thunder, she is worth all the trouble, right? And after all, Oscar Wilde, who said, “Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood”, was the only person who really ever ‘understood’ women. Yes, you are no Oscar Wilde, and no, we do not have Mr. Wilde to help you out here. What we do have for you is a list of signs that will analyze her texting style and tell you if she likes you.
She teases you…
A girl would only mock or playfully tease someone whom she is extremely fond of and comfortable with. If she teases you about the spelling mistakes you accidentally make while texting, or your funny nickname that your friends gave you, or how you overslept and had to take it from your mom, it shows that she hangs on to every little detail about you.
She asks a lot of questions …
You texted her saying that you have football practice the next morning. ‘How do you feel about football? How many goals are you going to shoot? How did you develop interest in football? Who is your favorite football player?’ Do these questions and more follow? If yes, she is trying to share your interests and create common ground for conversation. She definitely wants to get to know you better.
She initiates conversations …
If she is the one who strikes up a chat more than often, think no more. If a girl likes you, she will send you texts that are sure to start a conversation between you two. Girls do very less of initiation, for fear of coming across as needy or too obvious. If she does it with you, and does it quite often, she sure likes you a lot.
She uses a lot of smileys/emoticons …
Bland text messages, with one word responses are a warning sign, and you should get out of her way ASAP. On the other hand, when she uses emoticons, she wants to make sure you know how she actually reacts. This shows that she has taken the extra effort of telling you that she is excited, or angry, or happy, or sad. An animated conversation dotted with emoticons is a definite pass. She is totally smitten by you!
She responds immediately …
How long do you need to wait after you text her? A few seconds? A few split seconds? You don’t need to wait at all? Rejoice with happiness! An immediate response or a quick reply is a sign that means you are important to her, and that she wouldn’t dream of keeping you waiting. If she is caught up in something, and does not have the time to continue texting, she will let you know that she is busy, and that she will revert as soon as possible.
The content in her messages is personal …
Where did she shop from? What was the flavor of the ice cream she had this afternoon? Why is she upset? Who made her laugh today? -Do her texts tell you about all this and more? She not only likes you, she trusts you. Girls are big on trust and are very protective of their secrets and whom they share it with. If she is comfortable discussing a family problem with you, or a tattoo she is contemplating about, it is possible that she more than just likes you.
When and how she says goodbye …
A girl doesn’t like to come across as very obvious with her interest in you by texting for long periods. Though she wants to, she will fight the urge to continue talking to you, just to make it look like there’s more to her life than you. Pay attention to her goodbyes. If they are cheerful, like ‘Bye, I’ll see you soon’ or ‘Gotta go, but I’ll talk to you later’, it subtly hints that she is sorry to end the conversation now, but will pick it up with you later. She likes talking to you!
She uses your name a lot …
“Hey!” and “Hey, Liam!”, the difference is evident, right? Greeting someone by their name instead of just a plain greeting makes it more personal. The vibe of the conversation changes. It shows how excited and genuinely happy she is while talking to you.
She laughs a lot …
If her texts have a lot of emoticons that depict smiles, laughter, and laughing out loud, she definitely likes you. If you find her laughing at the worst jokes you have ever cracked, take a hint: she likes you. So, she blushes when you compliment her beautiful tresses, and smiles when you tell her how great a dancing pair you two would make. These are not even hints, these are sure-shot signs that she is awestruck by you, and is probably waiting for you to make the next move!
It takes skill to be a girl. Your girl is complicated, hard to understand, mysterious, laughs about stupid things, and cries about stupid things. But it is this girl who is the best part of your day. It is she who makes you go crazy with those cute smileys, innocent messages, and sweet replies. Now that you know what that ‘wink’ really means, stop looking for hints, man up, and go make the next move!