Usually, shaving in a haphazard manner and using inferior quality razors are the causes of razor burns. Razor burns could lead to an infection of the skin if not treated in time. Here are some easy ways to get rid of them.
The most common cause of razor burns is an improper shaving technique. Sometimes, while shaving off hair follicles, you tend to shave off some part of the irregular skin as well, and this results in bumps. Here are some techniques to get rid of razor burns, and bumps, which will help you get rid of the blemishes on your skin caused due to them.
What to Do Before Shaving?
If your skin is too tight or if its texture is too hard, you may find it difficult to shave. In such cases, you should have a hot water bath, before shaving. Hot water makes the skin soft and also opens all the pores. This will make shaving easier, smoother, and more efficient.
What to Do While Shaving?
Use a good quality, soothing, and a smooth shaving cream. Cream lubricates the skin and enables the razor to slide effortlessly over your skin.
Wet your hands slightly with water, take a little shaving cream on them, rub your hands until a foamy lather of the cream is formed, and rub it all over the region that needs to be shaved. While shaving, take smaller strokes.
If you make longer continuous strokes, you might tend to twist or press the razor hard which will definitely cause razor burns. Medicated shaving creams are a safer alternative.
What to Do After Shaving?
Now, let us move on to the aftershave activities, which are equally important to maintain a burn-free skin. Wash your face and dry it up completely. Apply some cool and soothing aftershave lotion on your skin. This would actually prevent the growth of bumps and cool the existing ones.
What More To Use?
Apart from a good quality razor and shaving cream, most popularly implemented treatment measures include the use of tea tree oil creams, mild exfoliating creams, or aloe vera. But see that you do not apply these in excess and invite other problems.
Avoid application of alcohol based products on the skin. This is because, alcohol dries up your skin, thereby causing irritation. Make sure any lotion or cream that you use has been prescribed by the doctor.
What Not to Do?
You might feel the urge to scratch your skin! Try not to give in to these urges as scratching can worsen the situation. So do not scratch your skin! It is often observed that, many people apply deodorants or perfumes on the skin, to get a cool and soothing effect.
Perfumes and deodorants are just fragrant products and they do not have any curing properties. In fact they might be capable of giving rise to serious skin issues.
A combination of simple common sense, precautions, and following these mentioned tips is more than enough to treat razor burns.