Follow the long distance relationship tips for men mentioned here and see how they work wonders for you and your partner. Read on.
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder”
“Out of sight, out of mind”
Anything is possible when you are in a long distance relationship! Either you can come even more closer, cause you are missing each other or you may get so engrossed in your own separate lives, that you start growing apart, day by day! Considering the pace of life that most of us lead, there are high chances of the latter scenario presenting itself.
As everyone knows, relationships need constant nurturing from time to time. You need to assure your partner, through words and actions, that you love them immensely and will be there for them when the need arises. However, when in a long distance relationship, you may no longer be able to “be there” for your partner, at least not physically.
So, how do you make sure that your partner, the woman in your life, does not feel alone and left out? How do you ensure that your relationship runs smoothly and that you love each other the same way as you used to when you lived in the same city and met everyday? Read on for interesting relationship tips, to keep up the connect with the woman in your life.
Call up Everyday!
Every man in a relationship should understand that women have an innate need to talk and share their feelings with their partner. It makes them feel closer and connected to their partners. So, make it a point to call up your woman every day. Ask her how she spent her day, what all happened, what did she eat, what did she wear and all such nitty-gritty.
Women love it when they get so much attention from their man. If you show that you care about the minutest things in her life, she will love you for it! Share with her all the stuff in your life. If you do this, she will feel that she is still a part of your life, even though she is miles away!
Chat, Email and Stay Connected!
Now that the Internet is there offering you twenty four hours connectivity, anytime anywhere, you should no longer worry about how to stay in touch.
Chat with your partner everyday, remain in constant touch through emails, plan dates through web cams, create a special “love blog” for your woman to woo her – there is no end to the things that you can do together online!
Be Honest and Sincere!
As maintaining trust in a long distance relationship can be difficult, so it is advised that you be completely honest with one another. If you are feeling lonely, tell it to your partner.
If you ever feel like seeing someone else or are attracted to another person, tell it to your partner too. Do not create any kind of confusion or keep things back. By doing this, you and your partner can together arrive at solutions for the issues that you are facing. This will help in making your bond stronger.
Surprise Her!
Romance is the lifeline of any relationship, even if you have been together for years. So, plan surprises for her once in a while.
Land up unannounced at her place on her birthday or on your anniversary. Send her flowers out of the blue. Write a love letter for her everyday and then post them together one day. Such things can really spice up your relationship and will keep your partner’s interest intact in you!
Sex it Up!
The major drawback of a long distance relationship is that you and your partner will feel sexually unsatisfied as you are not there with one another physically.
One way to tackle this issue is to have phone sex. You can even plan dates on a web cam and have your own fun under the sheets! Do some research and you will find numerous other ways to satisfy your woman. Be creative in your “lovemaking” and your woman will love it!
Besides these, you can plan various things together, such as, when you will call and how many times a day, when you will visit one another and how often, when will you chat, etc. and then make sure that you stick to this schedule.
In short, shower your woman with attention, show her how special she is and how much you care for her! If you can do this with your words and actions, your woman will remain yours forever, distance or no distance!