Relationships between older women and younger men are not uncommon. In fact, men like their woman to be matured, independent, and financially secured. Nevertheless, before getting into such a relationship, every man should weigh the pros and cons of dating an older woman.
“Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
— Jack Benny
While talking about an older woman dating a younger man, our first thought goes to tinsel town’s very gorgeous and glamorous Demi Moore. Her relationship with Ashton Kutcher, who is nearly 16 years younger than her, has been gossiped about so much, that people very affectionately have given her the cognomen ‘the original Cougar of Hollywood’. Back in the day, when the duo started their romance, it was looked down upon, and so many found it strange that a young man was in a relationship with a woman who was so much older than him!
Funnily enough, times have changed so much, that such relationships are widely accepted and embraced with open arms today. There are many that do not let the ‘age factor’ come in between them, especially if they have a beautiful relationship with the woman they love. But like in the case of all relationships, even one with an older woman has its own pros and cons, which are elaborated in this MenWit write-up.
The Pros
Older women are mature and more experienced in all aspects. The way they handle their life, career, finances, and relationships is remarkable. Their entire approach towards how things should be done, especially in their relationships, is unique. Older women are more understanding as compared to younger women, and this is due to their past experiences. They will not nag you like a woman your age will.
You will also be able to enjoy your space and time with your buddies, as she will be busy mostly working on her own stuff. They are more focused where their goals and targets (regarding their life) are concerned. They are patient, and are very good listeners. Older women give the best advice, and are amazing at cheering you up, especially when you are feeling down.
They have this knack of analyzing and tackling problems in a very mature and elegant way. Apart from all this, they enjoy physical intimacy, and are always game for a good cuddle.
Older women are very sophisticated and classy. Their tastes are refined, yet simple. They love spending quality time with their boyfriends, and even an impromptu stroll in the park makes them happy. They are spontaneous, and are game for trying out new things and exploring new places (taking her out for romantic getaways will earn you some extra brownie points).
One thing that is very noticeable with older women, is that they are oozing with confidence and class. They love to be wined and dined at classy and romantic restaurants. The conversations you have with them are on a different level altogether.
They will never indulge in mindless gossip with you, nor will they bore you about how their nail broke, or some other mundane issue like that. Even the conversations you have will always be intelligent. They will talk to you about topics that are interesting, where even you can put in your knowledge and experiences. You will never feel as if your girlfriend is showing off with her knowledge, because, she will, in a very subtle and classy way, put forth her points.
The Cons
Just like how every good thing has a flip side, even a relationship with an older woman has its own drawbacks. Even though you get all the space you want in your relationship, some women are not so accommodating. Because of your age difference, she may feel insecure of the fact that younger women may catch your interest, and you might eventually leave her for one of them. This aspect will make your woman a little possessive. We really can’t help it, but women are very territorial.
Apart from being territorial, the most cliched con about dating an older woman is the fact that she has some issues about her past, the same mysterious past that she may or may not keep all mum about. There might be an ex-husband, a child or two, or worst-case scenario, a throng of no good ex-boyfriends. All these factors do play an important role in what and how she is today. Due to the pent up emotional baggage and stress, she may be grumpy, cranky, and sometimes plain old mean, and it may get too much for a man to handle. But with love, care, and probably a nice romantic picnic under the stars, you will be able to turn her bad mood into a great one. Show her that she is important, and it is guaranteed to bring you superb results.
So, you have the emotional baggage and stress sorted out for you, but then comes this biological clock, which only women can feel ticking. It’s not a real clock that you can keep on your nightstand, but it’s a woman’s internal aging process, and every day brings her closer to D-day. See, the thing with women is that, they are naturally born caregivers, and they know this. That is why, once they feel that they are prepared to have a child, they want to go ahead and have one. Women want commitment, to settle down fast, and have a family of their own. So if you are 24 to 28 years old, and your girlfriend is past the 32-year mark, then there is a lot of pressure on you to settle down and handle your responsibilities.
She wants a child, true; but every time you do something wrong or in a way that she does not like, she treats you like a imbecile! Why? What’s with the constant patronizing (especially during arguments)? Older woman tend to treat their boyfriends (especially if you are younger than her) like children, at times, specially when it comes to taking care of things to be done. The constant ‘you are supposed to be doing this like this…’, or the ‘I told you so’, if the guy does it wrong, gets very irritating for him to handle, and he feels like running straight for the hills. Alright, yes, older women have the experience, but men need to make their own mistakes so that they learn from them. But no! Every older woman will always give you ‘advice’, in the guise of taking over the task (we women do tend to become control-freaks when it comes to doing things, sorry guys – it’s in our nature). There is a way around dealing with this, just talk it out with her face-to-face, and sort out your issues.
Older women have the benefit of age, making them very easy to talk to. Like I mentioned, they are understanding, and will hear you out. They will try to do whatever it takes to keep the relationship going well, provided they see a future in it. So have patience with your woman, ’cause at the end of the day, even though she is older, she is still a teen at heart.