All have been the butt of someone’s prank one time or the other. It is a purgatory of embarrassment and humor that keeps you wondering whether to laugh, hide, or cry. It is especially hilarious when played on a loved one, maybe even a girlfriend.
Statutory Warning
There’s nothing like a good prank. It is especially hilarious when the person least expects it. So why wait for the 1st of April to play all the good pranks. Though, it is very important to find the right victim for a prank. How about your girlfriend? Choose the perfect time, place, and mood; you don’t want to make a bad day even worse, even if she will laugh about it later.
Pranks should be harmless, and let’s try to keep them that way. Choose colors that aren’t permanent, and will easily wash-off in a single rinse. Use ingredients that she isn’t allergic to. And remember, pull the plug on the prank if it is getting more serious than it should. The key is to pace yourself and not try all the pranks at the same time. Remember, you want to tickle her funny bone, and not annoy her. Unless, you are ready to endure the heartbreak of a break-up. Also remember, the tables can always turn. So once you’ve played the prank, brace yourself. For you know what they say, ‘Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned’.
Put food coloring in the hand soap dispenser.
Paint the tips of her pens and pencils with clear nail polish, so none of them work.
Cover the toilet seat with plastic wrap.
Rearrange her drawers and/or file cabinets in a different order. Mix everything around as much as you can.
Borrow her cell phone and change the language setting to a foreign language.
Swap her favorite shirt with a look-alike, the only difference being that it is 2 sizes smaller or larger than the original.
Coat the soap that she uses with clear nail polish, so it won’t suds up.
Buy a second remote and change the channel while she is watching something interesting. Doing this secretly without her understanding what’s happening would be a blast.
The grand mix up; replace salt with sugar, and wait for her to make salty coffee, early in the morning.
Secretly place confetti inside her umbrella. The next time she opens the umbrella she’s in for a surprise.
Put a dash of hot sauce into your sleeping girlfriend’s mouth.
Get a lock of hair extensions that match your girlfriend’s hair color and length. And pretend to cut her hair, and show her the extensions.
Set an alarm on her cell phone which will go off every 15 minutes.
Fill one of her handbag or purse pocket with ketchup or shaving foam.
Put mayonnaise or any other harmless liquid inside her shampoo bottle.
Paint her nails in some crazy colors while she is sleeping.
Hide her makeup and beauty products. Be ready for some backlash here though.
Buy a gift box, maybe from her favorite jeweler. Keep a pebble in it and glue the box shut. You may choose to gift wrap it or leave it as it is.
Buy her a small gift that requires a box, and gift wrap it. Place this in another larger box, and this in another box. Keep repeating this process till the box is large in size. Use as many boxes are you possibly can and gift wrap it. All you need to do now is gift it to her.
Buy another jewelry box and keep a note inside it saying, “oops… better luck next time!”.
Text her: “I have a secret to tell you, later”. Then don’t answer or respond to her text for quite a while.
Text her: “We need to talk”. Then don’t answer or respond to her text for hours.
Text her: “Honey, I haven’t been completely honest with you”. Again, don’t answer or respond to her text for hours.
“I know what you did”. After you send her this text, just let her answers flow.
Again, a reminder, that while playing a prank on your girlfriend, make sure she does not get hurt, and that you don’t hurt her feelings too. Pranks are just meant for fun.